In today’s hiring environment, dozens of prospective employees are submitting applications for any open positions. Many of these positions are physically demanding. So how can an employer know if their final applicants are “physically capable” of handling their position without becoming a Workers' Comp claim within months of their employment? How can an HR department reduce the risk of application fraud and employee turnover rate with the subsequent costs of employees that quit within 6 months because they realized the job was too hard? How can you legally evaluate the physical capability of an existing employee who may be at high risk for injury - but who may also fall into other complications of health and wellness - without running afoul of the legal constricts put on the Employer?
The answer is ePAS™ by KEY Assessments. Find out why most employers across the country in every sector are incorporating the use of KEY’s legally defensible and standardized Employee Physical Aptitude Screens versus relying solely on Physical Exams by a doctor (which only evaluates an employee’s physical health, not their physical capability). Having a Physical Aptitude Screen can lower annual Workers' Comp claims resulting in lower premiums. With some WC Insurance carriers, companies who can show they utilize a New Hiring Practice program can also reduce annual premiums or earn Premium Credits.