Did you know….??? Injured Workers Carry an Estimated 50% of the Costs of an Injury
September 24, 20193 Action Steps to Return Employees Back to Work Without Delay
October 23, 2019Employers – Consult with an Industrial Therapist. Industrial Therapists – Consult with Employers
Workplace safety should be at the top of your priority list. Not only do you need to protect employees by preventing injury in the workplace, but these safety practices also help to reduce the risk of productivity loss and expensive costs for your business. Engaging the services of an Industrial Therapist is one of the best ways to ensure that employees are capable of performing the job duties safely and effectively.
Assessing Physical Capabilities and Limitations
A therapist engages in this process by administering employee physical capacity assessments. The goal is to determine the employee’s physical capabilities to ensure they are able to complete the necessary job duties. When the employee has the strength and skills to perform the job, the likelihood of injury in the workplace is reduced.
In the hiring Process
For example, pre-employment assessments, also known as Prior-to-Hire and Post-Offer Pre-Hire assessments, provide necessary information before the new employee even sets foot on the work floor. And indeed, even before being fully hired. It is important to ensure that the person is fit to perform the work, or has the right accommodations if needed.
Returning to Work After Injury
In the case where an employee has been away from work due to injury or illness, a therapist ensures that the person is ready to return to full work duties. Sometimes it makes sense to bring the employee back in a modified way, with physical accommodations or adjustments based on their tested physical capabilities.
Having a Therapist assist with employee assessments and advisory support is a valuable asset that can have a positive and lasting impact on productivity in the workplace. This, in turn, facilitates reduction of workplace injuries. If you aren’t already working with a therapist in this capacity, then now is a great time to get started.
Our experienced team at KEY Functional Assessments Network understands how important it is to maintain the safety of Employees. We’ve developed effective workplace assessments that can be used to reduce Workers’ Compensation costs and monitor the physical capabilities of employees. Talk to us today to see how your company can benefit from pre-employment assessments, Prior-to-Hire Assessments and Return-to-Work Assessments from injury or Family and Medical Leave, administered by a trained and experienced KEY Assessment Specialist.